Volunteer Informaton Page (the VIP!)
Volunteer Informaton Page (the VIP!)
Each year, people like you play such an important role in VBS! It is our chance to teach the kids of our community, have fun with them, and show them love. Thank you for your willingness to be a part of the "village" it takes to put this thing on!
- Team leaders: We will learn procedures and schedule, get our leader t shirts, and decorate the sanctuary, lobby and downstairs so we are ready for the kids!
- Station Leaders: You need to decorate your space.
TO DO BEFORE VBS: Team leaders
1. Make sure you are good for all of the above dates. If not, let Mr. Schoonover know so we can find coverage--we can't have teams or areas left alone!
2. Come up with clothes that have an ocean theme!
Note: We have some hats and such leftover from other years if you need one of those.
Night #1 : June 24: Volunteers arrive by 5:45 p.m. in your gear. Be ready to help with the BUSY registration time and getting kids to their crews before we start singing! Station leaders go to their station and make sure they are prepped for stations. You do three a night.
Nights 2, 3. 4 : Be there 6:00. Same basic schedule: get attendance taken and to registration table, be with your kids during the opening, lead them through stations, and come back up for the big finale! After your name tags and area is organized, you can go on Tuesday.
On Thursday, June 27: After we finish with kids, all hands on deck to clean up! ( Ice cream follows! We usually finish before 10 p.m.)

June 24-27 at 6:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. at Zillah Nazarene Church
Generally youth group members, these very important people greet, manage and build relationships with their team of VBS kids. Those with more experience are the leaders and those learning the ropes are assisting them.
Station leaders/teachers are generally adults, but they can be assisted by teens or adults. These include the following areas:
GAMES: Leader(s) + assistant: Plan games from VBS program materials, make list of needed supplies, and set up games area outside in the picnic area. During VBS, they lead four 15-minute sessions of games for varying age groups.
IMAGINATION STATION/CRAFTS: Leader(s) + two assistants: Plan imagination station lessons from VBS program materials, decide if substituting crafts, make list of needed materials, get them ordered, set up Imagination Station room and supplies, learn how to do the lesson/craft and make examples ahead of time. During VBS, they lead four 20-minute sessions of this station for varying age groups, and make sure projects get taken home at the end of each evening.
VIDEO ROOM: Leader + assistant. Plan lessons from VBS materials, make list of needed supplies, set up room and video player, learn the lesson. During VBS, they lead four 20-minute sessions of this station for varying age groups.
STORY ROOM/BIBLE ADVENTURES: Leader(s) + assistant: Plan story lessons from VBS program materials, make a list of needed sets and props materials, make a plan for switching from one story's set to another each day, learn the stories. During VBS, they lead four 20-minute sessions of this station for varying age groups.
SNACKS: Coordinator(s) + 2 assistants: Plan snacks (can use VBS program ideas or other snack recipes) and drink for attendees for each evening, make list of needed supplies, prepare snacks and drinks. During VBS, they will distribute snacks and drinks to varying age groups the last 10 minutes of the four games sessions.
PRESCHOOL CLASSROOM TEACHERS AND ASSISTANTS: Two teachers + 2 assistants: Plan lessons from preschool VBS materials, make list of needed materials (crafts team will help order preschool crafts with your input), set up classroom areas, learn lessons. During VBS, greet children in sanctuary for opening session, teach them through the four 25 minute sessions (can coordinate with crafts team to do that outside the preschool classroom, or assign various teachers to different areas), come up to closing session with children at the end.
REGISTRATION: Coordinator(s) + 1 assistant on the first night: Gather VBS registrations from the website form by email (and a few on paper from the church office/those that sign up on that night), divide attendees into teams based on age groups, make sure teams are not overloaded, and manage the front greeting area each evening. During VBS, they gather attendance data from team leaders, copy take home materials and distribute them to team areas and handle any parent contact needs.
DECORATION TEAM: Coordinator(s) + helpers, including all volunteers: Plan sanctuary decorations based on VBS theme, plan station room decorations, plan fellowship hall decorations, plan foyer decorations, make a list of needed materials (including checking inventory we already have downstairs), and creating a decoration plan for set up days. During VBS, they can help with other things after making sure everything is still up correctly. Help with take down and neat storage of materials after the last night.
MC and 1-3 SINGERS: Master of Ceremonies needs to create plan for each evening, including which songs will be used and what materials will be covered in the 30-minute opening session and in the 15-minute closing session, gather any needed materials for skits/object lessons chosen and prepare them, gather a small group of singers to lead the attendees in singing to the DVD songs. Singers can also share in MC duties if desired. During VBS, be ready to sing 5 minutes before start time, greet kids as they come in, sing/MC in the opening and closing sessions. In the middle, count missions project offerings as needed, and rehearse the next day's materials.
SOUND BOARD and PROJECTION COMPUTER OPERATOR: (one person each): Must have some training in both areas prior to VBS. Run sound board and lights during VBS opening and closing sessions. Computer operator gathers media (videos, etc.) and order to create projections for each evening, and then runs it during the opening and closing sessions.
ADVERTISING: Coordinator(s): Create banners for downtown advertising and order them, get them put up several weeks before VBS, Make or order posters and put them up, have videos and advertising during church announcements, make sure social media posts are made in timely fashion. Make sure banners are taken down after event.